You can link to sliders in different ways:

  • URL with hash tag
  • URL with slider variable

URL with hash tag

By default, clicking on a slider will add a hash tag to the url, like:

When visiting that url directly, the page will automatically be loaded with slider 'My Slider' as open / active.

You can switch off the option to automatically add the hash tag in the Sliders system plugin settings.

The slider alias that is placed in the url hash tag is based on the title of the slider. You can set this alias to anything you want by adding an alias attribute to the tag, with this syntax:

{slider title="My Slider" alias="my-alias"}

Then the url will look like this:

Keep in mind that the alias should be unique. Otherwise only the first slider on the page with that alias will be set as open.

URL with slider variable

Alternatively you can also force a slider to open via a variable in the url : Title 2

You can use the title of the slider in different formats, such as lower case, spaces, special characters, etc.
So to make the slider 'It's cool!' open, you can use any of these in the url:

  • It's cool! or It's%20cool!
  • It'scool!
  • its-cool
  • itscool

If you have given the slider a custom alias (as described above under URL with hash tag), you can use that as well:

You can also simply use the number of the slider (1, 2, etc).
So if this is the 3rd slider you can also use:

If you have multiple slider sets on the page, that will only make the 3rd slider of the first set on the page open.

To make the 3rd slider of the 2nd set open - for instance - you can use: