Default Settings

Type Select the type of view to use by default. This setting can be overruled in the tag with the following attributes: paragraphs or p, sentences or s, words or w, list or l, kitchensink or k, title or t, email or e, image or i

Options: Kitchen Sink, Paragraphs, Sentences, Words, List
Number of paragraphs The default number of paragraphs used when not setting any parameters in the tag. This setting can be overruled in the tag with paragraphs="123" or p="123"
Number of sentences The default number of sentences used when not setting any parameters in the tag. This setting can be overruled in the tag with sentences="123" or s="123"
Number of words The default number of words used when not setting any parameters in the tag. This setting can be overruled in the tag with words="123" or w="123"
Number of list items The default number of list items used when not setting any parameters in the tag. This setting can be overruled in the tag with l="123" or list="123"
List Type The default list type to use. This setting can be overruled in the tag with listtype="random", listtype="ol" or listtype="ordered", listtype="ul" or listtype="unordered"
Number of words in title The default number of words used when not setting any parameters in the tag. This setting can be overruled in the tag with title="123" or t="123"
Word List Select the wordlist to use by default.
Diacritical marks Randomly add diacritical marks used in the selected language.

Placeholder Images

Image Service Select the online image rendering service to use. This setting can be overruled in the tag with image_service="picsum"

Options:, Picsum.Photos
Width The default width of images. This setting can be overruled in the tag with width="123"
Height The default height of images. This setting can be overruled in the tag with height="123"

Random Background Color Select to generate random background colors. Every image will have a different background color. This setting can be overruled in the tag with color="random" or color="#123456"
Background Color The background color. This setting can be overruled in the tag with color="#123456"
Start Color Range The start number to generate the random background colors. A number from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).
End Color Range The end number to generate the random background colors. A number from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).
Background Opacity The opacity of the background color. A number from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). This setting can be overruled in the tag with opacity="80"
Show Text Select whether to show the dimensions or a custom text inside the image. This setting can be overruled in the tag with text="none", text="dimensions" or text="My Text"
Text Color The text color (foreground). This setting can be overruled in the tag with text_color="#123456"
Text Opacity The opacity of the text color. A number from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). This setting can be overruled in the tag with text_opacity="80"
Text Font Select the font to use for the text inside the image. This setting can be overruled in the tag with font="lobster"


Colour Scheme Select whether to show colored or greyscale images. This setting can be overruled in the tag with color="true" or color="false"

Editor Button Options

Button Text This text will be shown in the Editor Button.
Enable in frontend If enabled, it will also be available in the frontend.

Tag Syntax

Dummy Content tag The word to be used in the tags.

Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.
Tag Characters The surrounding characters of the tag syntax.

Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore.

Options: {...}, [...], {{...}}, [[...]], [:...:], [%...%]


Heading Class Set a class name to add to all generated headings.
Disable on Components Select in which frontend components NOT to enable the use of this extension.
Remove in Disabled Components If selected, the plugin syntax will get removed from the component. If not, the original plugins syntax will remain intact.
Enable in administrator If enabled, the plugin will also work in the administrator side of the website.

Normally you will not need this. And it can cause unwanted effects, like slowing down the administrator and the plugin tags being handled in areas you don't want it.