Modules Anywhere is packed with options, giving you control over how it works and behaves. Here is the full list of the options you can find in the Modules Anywhere system plugin settings:
Default style | Select the module style (chrome) to use by default. If no style is given in the module tag, this style is used. |
Enable parameter overriding | If selected, you can override the modules parameters in the tag like: {module title="Main Menu" moduleclass_sfx="red" some_other_setting="123"} This only works for the module tag (not the modulepos tag). You can find the parameter names in the html of the modules settings page (name="param[...]") or look in the modules xml file. |
Ignore Module Access Level | If selected, the module access level selection will be ignored. |
Ignore Module State | If selected, unpublished modules will still be placed by the tag. |
Ignore Module Assignments | If selected, module assignments (like date and menu item assignments) will be ignored. |
Ignore Caching | By default, modules that have module caching switched off, will not be handled by Modules Anywhere on the article level, but at a later stage. This is to prevent Joomla from caching the module's output when caching the article. If selected, the module will be handled on article level even when caching is switched off for the module. Enable this if certain modules have problems with placing their css/javascript files and you need to keep their caching setting disabled. |
Frontend Editing | Select if you want mouse-over edit icons for modules and menu items (support may depend on your template). |
Fix HTML | Select to let the extension fix any html structure issues it finds. This is often necessary to deal with surrounding html tags. Only switch this off if you have issues with this. |
Place HTML comments | By default HTML comments are placed around the output of this extension. These comments can help you troubleshoot when you don't get the output you expect. If you prefer to not have these comments in your HTML output, turn this option off. |
Security Options PRO
These settings have effect on Articles and Categories.
Enable in articles | Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in articles. |
Security Level | Set the level of security. Modules Anywhere tags will be stripped from articles with an owner (creator) below this group level. |
These settings have effect on the component area.
You can select in which components Modules Anywhere should not be enabled. Advise is to not allow Modules Anywhere in components that non-backend users can post content in.
Enable in components | Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in components. |
Disable on Components | Select in which components NOT to enable the use of the syntax in. This is a list of your installed frontend components. |
Remove in Disabled Components | If selected, the plugin syntax will get removed from the component. If not, the original plugins syntax will remain intact. |
Other Areas
These settings have effect on areas outside the component area (so in Modules and the rest of the website).
Enable other areas | Select whether to enable the use of the syntax in all remaining areas, like the modules. The tag will not be handled/shown in the html head (META tags and such). |
Editor Button Options
Button Text | This text will be shown in the Editor Button. |
Enable in frontend | If enabled, it will also be available in the frontend. |
Add Title to ID | Select to add the module title as a comment after the ID when inserting the tag using the module ID. |
Default Data Tag settings
Set the default values of the Data Tag selections for the Modules Anywhere popup
Styles List | A comma separated list of styles (chromes) that will be available as a list in the Editor Button popup window. |
Show Title | Show or hide module title on display. Effect will depend on the chrome style in the template. Options: Default, Yes, No |
Tag Syntax
Module tag | The word to be used in the tags. Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore. |
Modulepos tag | The word to be used in the tags. Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore. |
Tag Characters | The surrounding characters of the tag syntax. Note: If you change this, all existing tags will not work anymore. Options: {...} , [...] , {{...}} , [[...]] , [:...:] , [%...%] |
Handle Joomla core module tags | Select to also handle the {loadmodule} and {loadposition} tags from the Joomla core 'Load Modules' plugin. It is recommended to disable the Load Modules plugin. |