The Pro version of Snippets comes with several preset codes and dynamic tags that you can use in different situations. Here is a complete overview of all of them.
Input Syntax | Description | Output Example |
[[user:id]] |
The ID number of the current logged-in user. * | 465 |
[[user:username]] |
The login name of the current logged-in user. * | peter |
[[user:name]] |
The name of the current logged-in user. * | Peter van Westen |
[[user:misc]] |
Any other available data field from the current logged-in user or the connected contact. * |
I'll sell you good copper, which is cheaper... well, here it is. |
[[article:id]] |
The ID number of the current article. | 123 |
[[article:title]] |
The title of the current article. | My Article |
[[article:alias]] |
Any other available data field from the current article. | my-article |
[[date:%A, %d %B %Y]] [[date:%Y-%m-%d]] |
Date using php strftime() format. | Wednesday, 19 February 2025 2025-02-19 |
[[random:0-100]] [[random:1000-9999]] |
This places a random number within the given range. | 23 1558 |
[[random:this,that]] [[random:1-10,20,50,100]] |
A random value from a list of strings, numbers or ranges. | that 4 |
[[counter]] |
This places the number of the occurrence. If your search is found, say, 4 times, the count will show respectively 1 to 4. | 1 |
[[escape]]\1[[/escape]] |
Use to escape dynamic values (add slashes to quotes). | "It\'s a string!" |
[[uppercase]]\1[[/uppercase]] |
Convert text within tags to uppercase. | "IT'S A STRING!" |
[[lowercase]]\1[[/lowercase]] |
Convert text within tags to lowercase. | "it's a string!" |
[[notags]]\1[[/notags]] |
Remove html tags from the text within tags. | "It's a string!" |
[[nowhitespace]]\1[[/nowhitespace]] |
Remove html tags and whitespace from the text within tags. | "It'sastring!" |
[[toalias]]\1[[/toalias]] |
Convert text within tags to an alias (lowercase dash-separated string). | its-a-string |
* The user data tags place data from the logged-in user. If the visitor is not logged in, the tag will be removed.