With the Pro version of Snippets, you can pass "variables" to the {snippet} tag that can make your snippet more dynamic.

This allows you to use one snippet that will generate a different output depending on what you pass along in the tag.

Then in the text of the Snippet, you can put placeholders for those variables with %myvariable%.

Text of the Snippet

So, for example, in a copyright Snippet, your Snippet text could look like:

%year% - %company% - All rights reserved

Placing the Snippet

And then, in an article, you can pass along the two variables via the tag, like this:

{snippet alias="copyright" company="My Company" year="2019"}

Output Result

{snippet alias="copyright" company="My Company" year="2019"}
2019 - My Company - All rights reserved
{snippet alias="copyright" company="Another Company" year="2015"}
2015 - Another Company - All rights reserved

Default variable placeholder

In the Snippet text, you can also enter a default placeholder for when a variable is not passed via the snippet tag

You do this by appending the variable name with : and your default value. For example, to set the year variable to 2021 by default:

%year:2021% - %company% - All rights reserved

You would then be free to omit the year variable from the snippet tag.

And you would get this result, with the year defaulting to 2021:

{snippet alias="copyright" company="My Company"}
2021 - My Company - All rights reserved