In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use both Field Layout Overrides and Value Layout Overrides for Joomla! 3 Custom Fields when displaying them with Articles Anywhere in Joomla! 3.


With the Pro version of Articles Anywhere, you can display any Joomla! Custom Field of an article using the name of that specific field.

Let's say you want to show the value of the custom field "Habitat" - that has a field name habitat-area - of article "Lions". You can simply do:

{article Lions}[habitat-area]{/article}

If you assigned a Layout to your custom field (option introduced in Joomla 3.9), Articles Anywhere will account for it and output the field using that layout (without the label).

But in the data tag you are able to customize the output of the custom field by setting a Layout and even a Value Layout.

Let's take a look at how this is done, along with code examples to create those layouts:

Create Alternate Field Layout

First, to know exactly how to create an alternative layout file, and to see some layout examples, follow our tutorial on How to create an Alternate Layout for Custom Fields in Joomla.

Now, if you assigned this layout to the fields in its Render Options, this would also apply to the standard output of the field. Which we don't want, since we only want to use this alternate layout in Articles Anywhere, without affecting the standard output.

Using the Layout in Articles Anywhere

As mentioned, by default Articles Anywhere will use the Layout assigned to that custom field in its Render Options.

However, in the data tag you can override the set layout with another one (to be placed inside templates/my_template/html/layouts/com_fields/field/), by simply inserting the name of the file in the layout="..." attribute:

[habitat-area layout="habitat-field"]

Value Layout

In addition to the Field Layout, Articles Anywhere also allows you to customize the output specifically related to the "value" part of a custom field.

This can come especially useful if you need further control on custom field types that have multiple values (like lists, checkboxes and multi-select fields).

You can pass the name of your custom value layout file to the data tag with a value_layout="..." attribute:

[habitat-area value_layout="bullet-list-values"]

Or use the full path to the layout file:

[habitat-area value_layout="templates/my_template/html/layouts/com_fields/field/bullet-list-values.php"]

Note: Value Layouts are only available in the Joomla 3 version of Articles Anywhere, as the Joomla 4 version handles things differently.

Example: List Field

Customizing Value Layouts is especially useful if you need further control on custom field types that have multiple values, such as in fields of type "List", or "Checkboxes".

The following file example will output the multiple values in a bullet points list like:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

if (empty($displayData['values']))
<?php foreach ($displayData['values'] as $value => $text) : ?>
<li class="item_<?php echo $value; ?>">
<?php echo $text; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Example: Articles Field

You can also use a custom Value Layout when displaying a custom field of type "Articles Field", another Regular Labs Extension. Articles Field is a Joomla! custom field type that gives you the ability to choose and display a list of articles, allowing you to directly link articles to each other.

The Pro version of Articles Field already allows to fully customize the output of the linked articles in the article page, thanks to its Custom HTML Layout feature. But what if you would like to output an Articles Field with a different/alternate layout when displaying it through Articles Anywhere? You can, too!

Similarly to the above example for a List Field (the concept is the same), the following file example will wrap the output of each linked article in a label style (span with a label class):

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

if (empty($displayData['values']))
<?php foreach ($displayData['values'] as $id => $output) : ?>
<span class="label" id="item_<?php echo $id; ?>">
<?php echo $output; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

But... that is rather limiting. As you might want to put together a completely different layout compared to what you have defined for the default output.

For example, say you have "Conference" articles, and for each conference, you assign "Speakers" articles via Articles Field. You might want to show a full size image and the bio of the Speaker in the detailed view of the conference, but only display a resized picture and the name of the speaker in a Timetable page.

Well, you can do this by using Articles Anywhere again inside this Value Layout file. Yes, pretty crazy inception stuff, but it works! This allows you to take advantage of the full range of Data Tags offered by Articles Anywhere to customize the layout.

The below Value Layout file passes the list of linked articles IDs to Articles Anywhere. Then, Articles Anywhere outputs a resized image and the title for each linked article:

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

if (empty($displayData['values']))

$values = $displayData['values'];
$ids = array_keys($values);

{articles articles="<?php echo implode(',', $ids); ?>"}
<div class="item">
<div class="pull-left item-image">
[link][image-intro height="20"][/link]

Note: The ability to create an alternate Value Layout for "Articles Field" is only possible when using the "Articles" field type. It won't work when the field uses the "Articles - Linked" type, as in that case the field value is just a toggle between true or false.

For a complete overview of all the features included in Articles Anywhere, head over to the full Documentation, and check out the Video Tutorials.