As explained, you can use Filters to determine what articles should be returned by the {articles} Plugin Tag. The filters will determine what list of articles is output, along with the Limit and Ordering.

So for instance, you can show data from the articles in a certain category that also have a specific tag:

{articles category="Dogs" tags="Tiny"}...{/articles}

You can combine any filters to narrow down the resulting list of articles. Each filter can also have multiple values, separated with a comma.
Note that values in filters should only be separated by a comma, so no extra spaces between the values.

{articles category="Cats,Dogs" tags="Tiny,Small,Medium"}...{/articles}

Note: if you don't specify any filter, *all* articles from the website will be returned (although with a Default Limit set to 100).

You can filter articles by a huge range of data types, including categories, tags, dates, and even by custom field values - pretty much by anything you can think of. Let’s take a look at all the Filter Types available and their respective options and features:


You can simply specify a comma-separated list of articles you want to display, either by using the title, alias or ID of the articles:

{articles title="Maine Coone,Norwegian Forest Cat,Persian"}...{/articles}
{articles alias="maine-coone,norwegian-forest-cat,persian"}...{/articles}
{articles id="8,27,123"}...{/articles}

If your article title contains a comma, either simply use the article alias or ID instead, or escape the comma. For instance, if you want to show the articles "American, British and Exotic Shorthair" and "Munchkin", you can escape the comma with \ in front of the article:

{articles title="American\, British and Exotic Shorthair,Munchkin"}...{/articles}


You can display multiple articles by their category. All you need to do is to place a category="..." attribute in the tag:

{articles category="Dogs,some-category,12"}...{/articles}

With the above tag, you can use either the title, alias, or ID of the desired categories, separating multiple categories with a comma.

To also include the articles from all child categories (subcategories of the given category), you can add a include_child_categories="true" attribute:

{articles category="Dogs" include_child_categories="true"}...{/articles}

To include the articles from the first level of child categories (categories directly under the given category), you can add the include_child_categories="1" attribute. And use include_child_categories="2" to include the articles from the first and second level of child categories.


You can display multiple articles by their tags. All you need to do is place a tags="..." attribute in the tag.

By separating tags with a comma, it will show all articles that contain ANY of the tags.

In the below example, it will show all articles that either have the Fluffy OR the Cuddly tag.

{articles tags="Fluffy,Cuddly"}...{/articles}

To show articles that contain ALL specified tags, you can do so by separating the tags with a + instead.

This will show articles that have both the Fluffy AND the Cuddly tags at the same time:

{articles tags="Fluffy+Cuddly"}...{/articles}


Want to only show articles by a certain author? Just filter down based on the author name:

{articles author="Peter"}...{/articles}

Or by the author id:

{articles author-id="42"}...{/articles}

You can even show articles written by the user currently browsing the website, by utilizing the user:id value.

{articles author-id="user:id"}...{/articles}

You can also filter by the modifier value to output articles last modified by a certain author.


You can filter articles based on the publish_up, created and modified dates, as well as custom fields of type calendar. You have various formats that you can use inside any of these date filters.

To return articles published at an exact Date and Time:

{articles publish_up="2019-02-15 09:30:00"}...{/articles}

To show all articles published on a specific Date (regardless of time):

{articles publish_up="2019-02-15"}...{/articles}

To filter articles by Month (for example, showing all articles published in February 2019):

{articles publish_up="2019-02"}...{/articles}

And to show all articles published in a certain Year, you can simply do:

{articles publish_up="2019"}...{/articles}

Date Ranges

You can also show articles published before or after a certain Date (Time, Month and Year formats are also possible). To do this, use the "Greater or Less than..." feature as described in the Comparison Operators section:

{articles publish_up=">2019-02-15"}...{/articles}
{articles publish_up="<2019"}...{/articles}

The date filter even supports Date Ranges. This allows you to show articles published between two specific dates (Time format is also possible):

{articles publish_up="2018-11-14 to 2018-11-28"}...{/articles}
{articles publish_up="2019-02-15 09:30:00 to 2019-02-15 18:30:00"}...{/articles}

And you can use special Relative Dates values to return and compare articles from the current day, yesterday, tomorrow, or any other date relative to today.

This, for example, allows to output all articles published yesterday. Or to output all articles published in the last 30 days:

{articles publish_up="date('yesterday')"}...{/articles}
{articles publish_up="date('-30 days') to now()"}...{/articles}

Note: All Date Filters will be adjusted correctly according to the Time Zone used on your website.


You can make Articles Anywhere output all featured articles by adding a featured attribute:

{articles featured="true"}...{/articles}

Or exclude all featured articles:

{articles featured="false"}...{/articles}

Custom Fields

You can even filter articles by the value of the custom fields. You need to use the field name as the attribute key.

Let's say you have a custom field "Number of legs" that has a field name nr-of-legs and you want to filter down to articles that have this value set to 3.

{articles nr-of-legs="3"}...{/articles}

You can also filter to articles where a custom field value is greater or less than your specified value (See the Comparison Operators section for a full explanation):

{articles nr-of-legs=">3"}...{/articles}
{articles nr-of-legs="<3"}...{/articles}

Reserved Field Names

If your custom field name is called the same as a reserved attribute key already used by Articles Anywhere (for example such as category or type), you can filter by your custom field with that name by prepending the attribute with a field: prefix:

{articles field:category="books"}...{/articles}

Other Article Data

Like with the custom fields, you can also filter down to any other article data. As long as it is directly saved in the articles database (must match the column name in the database table).

So you can use filters like metakey="..." to show articles that have the metakey field containing a certain value.